AI and Analytics for Business


What’s Driving the Demand for Data Scientists?

Data analytics is becoming mission-critical to more and more businesses. One of the biggest challenges they face: recruiting data scientists.

“There are very few data scientists out there passing out their resumes,” LinkedIn co-founder Allen Blue said. “Data scientists are almost all already employed, because they’re so much in demand.”

That demand is no longer confined to the high-tech and software realms, Blue said. The past three years have seen “massive growth — 15 times, 20 times growth” in data science-based jobs in sectors like education, marketing and manufacturing. There’s a widening gulf between the needs of organizations and the abilities of job candidates to fulfill those needs.

For audio of the event:

Eric Bradlow, Professor of Marketing, The Wharton School

Melanie Harris, Chief Information Officer, School District of Philadelphia

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Ravi Kandikonda, SVP of Marketing Strategy & Planning, Comcast

Steve Kern, Deputy Director, Quantitative Sciences, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

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Allen Blue, Co-founder, LinkedIn

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